Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My first day of Blogging

Day One>
Starting with myself let me first tell you a little about me so that you may then understand why my hair is at its worst. I am keeping it real so please don't use this against me. I am an entrepreneur that has dedicated my life to my business and my child. I am 36 years old and live a highly stressful life. I have no real time for myself due to all of my daily activities. I own a hair salon, I have launched another series of products, I am writing a book, I travel on tour every year to numerous cities and so much more. I am a single mother and to top it all off I am in a stressful relationship. I wear acrylic on my nails and I don't get them done until they are half way falling off. I wear wigs because it is the quickest solution for a style. I never let my boyfriend see me with out my wig so very seldom do I take them off. Due to the stress and lack of time I have had tremendous hair loss. Starting today I have decided for 2009 I am going to repair once again my damaged hair. I have grown my hair back numerous times only to go through stressful points in my life and damage it all over again. Through discipline, consistency, and routine it is so easy to get strong healthy hair. I am going to post my picture soon so we can watch together this amazing transformation.

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